More Than A Comic
2-Land was birthed during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s writer, Jason Lewis, needed to find a way to introduce positive messages to young people virtually because he could not gain entry into schools due to the quarantine. Because of this, the mission and purpose of 2-Land will always go beyond sheer entertainment and will always be rooted in impacting the youth in a positive way.
2-Land's mission is to always address the MADness. M-A-D is a acronym for Mental Health, Anti-Bullying and Diversity. Every issue of 2-Land will in some form or fashion, discretely or overtly deal with these issues because we believe that these are the issues young people are confronted with the most.
Because of this, 2-Land Comics has partnered with Beautiful Tomorrow, Inc. in a joint effort to enhance reading comprehension and reading literacy with the youth. This is accomplished by 2-Land Comics providing schools with positively themed comic books that address college and career readiness, character development, and social and emotional learning.