The 2-Land Universe

Welcome to Tuland or as the streets call it 2-Land. This cities got it all. Bright lights, big stages, opportunities to grow as well as slums, crime infested alleys and pitfalls that will crush your spirits. Oh yeah, and it’s inhabited by a new species scientifically identified as Homometazoas, but everyone around here and the rest of the country calls them Huminals.
They’re a combination of human and animal DNA. Although they look pretty unique, they actually are more human DNA than animal. Yeah, it gets pretty interesting. But you’ll learn more about that when you catch up on the origin. Anyway, our lead character is this cities brand new superhero DRIP (Do Right Inspire People). He’s got the attitude of a pop culture influenced teenager, the weaponry of an intergalactic soldier and the heart of a saint. DRIP's civilian name is Darren but he goes by DJ. He attends Tuland High with his new friends Jessie and Jake. DJ loves being the ordinary teen but he is burdened by his responsibility to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. As a kid he learned the lesson that allowing bullies to pick on the innocent can have dire consequences.
Follow us on this brand new, epic and exciting adventure filled with twist and turns, unexpected developments and stories that entertain and inspire. Welcome to 2-Land. This city is a beacon of hope.