We're Launching a Cartoon!
2-Land has always been about dreaming big and having the actions to put behind the dreams. We are not going through Hollywood for this production. We are doing all of this on our own. We are building the relationships, working with independent contractors, and trying to find the biggest bang for our bucks. And that's where you come in. This is a request to all lovers of superhero cartoons, to all the comic book loyalists who are ready for a new superhero to take the helm, to all the parents that support positive youth cartoons and to all advocates of anti-bullying.
Please donate in any capacity by clicking on the link below. Let's make history together. Let's make one of the greatest cartoons television has ever seen. Let's make some amazing memories for youth and adults alike to remember fondly. Let's make the 2-Land cartoon; because 2-Land is, and forever will be a beacon of hope. It's 2-Land baby!!!!!